Gwifroddolwr Cydlynydd Codi Arian - Fundraising Coordinator - Borth
Gwifroddolwr Cydlynydd Codi Arian - Fundraising Coordinator - Borth
Amdanom Ni
Mae gan yr RNLI rwydwaith eang o dimau/grwpiau codi arian lleol sy’n trefnu ystod eang o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau bob blwyddyn sy’n codi arian hollbwysig i achub bywydau. Cefnogir y timau/grwpiau gan Reolwr Cymunedol.
Yr aelodau tîm eu hunain sy’n penderfynu ar amrywiaeth ac amlder y digwyddiadau, a’r unigolion sy’n penderfynu ar faint o amser i’w wirfoddoli.
Rydym yn awyddus i groesawu pobl newydd sydd â syniadau newydd a sgiliau newydd i’n tîm lleol fel y gallwn ddatblygu ein rhaglen o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau codi arian mewn ffyrdd newydd, creadigol ac arloesol a chyfrannu at achub mwy o fywydau ar y môr.
Yr effaith y byddwch yn ei chael
Byddwch yn galluogi criwiau bad achub gwirfoddol yr RNLI i achub bywydau ar y môr trwy gynnal a chefnogi gweithgarwch codi arian hollbwysig yn eich cymuned leol.
Yr hyn y byddwch yn ei wneud
- Arwain, llywio ac ysgogi aelodau’r criw i drefnu gweithgareddau codi arian.
- Trefnu a chynnal cyfarfodydd y Grŵp, fel y bo’r angen.
- Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau codi arian yn y gymuned leol.
- Annog a chroesawu grŵp amrywiol o gefnogwyr newydd i gynorthwyo â gweithgareddau codi arian a helpu hybu ein hethos Un Criw fel hyrwyddwr yr RNLI yn eich ardal leol.
Dysgwch fwy am ddod yn wirfoddolwr codi arian a digwyddiadau
Yr hyn y bydd arnoch ei angen ar gyfer y rôl hon
- Brwdfrydedd
- Sgiliau arwain
- Sgiliau rhyngbersonol a chyfathrebu da
- Sgiliau TG, trefnu a gweinyddol
- Agwedd ragweithiol a pharodrwydd i gyfrannu a rhoi cynnig ar syniadau newydd
Yr hyn y byddwch yn ei gael
- Ymuno â sefydliad cynhwysol ac amrywiol
- Cael hwyl, cyfarfod â phobl newydd ac ymuno â thîm brwdfrydig ac uchel ei gymhelliad sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth
- Dysgu sgiliau a chael profiad i wella’ch CV
- Cael boddhad trwy roi rhywbeth yn ôl
- Bydd hyfforddiant i gyflawni’ch rôl wirfoddoli yn cael ei ddarparu a bydd mân dreuliau rhesymol yn cael eu had-dalu
About us
The RNLI has a network of local fundraising teams organising a wide range of activities and events, from coffee mornings to reindeer runs, emptying collection boxes to running an online fundraiser, raising vital funds to save lives at sea. Each team is supported by a Community Manager, although the range and frequency of fundraising events is determined by the team themselves.
We are keen to welcome new people with new ideas and skills to help raise vital funds to save lives at sea. By joining us you are you’ll be making a lifesaving difference as the RNLI’s champion in your community.
The impact you will make
You will enable volunteer RNLI lifeboat crews to save lives at sea by organising and carrying out vital fundraising activity in your local community.
What you will be doing
- Leading, guiding and motivating the fundraising crew to organise fundraising activities, including arranging meetings when needed
- Being the main point of contact and cascading information to the fundraising crew
- Participating in fundraising activities in the local
- community
- Encouraging and welcoming a diverse group of new supporters to assist with fundraising activities and helping to drive our One Crew ethos as a champion for the RNLI in your local area.
- Liaising with the Community Manager to ensure that the fundraising crew operates safely and legally
What you need for this role
- Enthusiasm
- Leadership skills
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Good IT, organisational and administration skills.
- A proactive approach and willing to contribute and try out new ideas.
What’s in it for you
- Join an inclusive and diverse organisation
- Have fun, meet new people and join a motivated and enthusiastic team who are making a difference
- Learn skills and gain experience to enhance your CV
- Gain the satisfaction of giving back to your community
- Training to fulfil your volunteer role will be provided and reasonable out of pocket expenses reimbursed
The RNLI is committed to safeguarding; protecting a person’s health, wellbeing, and human rights, enabling them to live free from harm, abuse, and neglect. We expect all employees and volunteers to share this commitment and have a zero-tolerance approach. The suitability of all prospective employees and volunteers will be assessed during the recruitment process in line with this commitment. This will include relevant criminal record checks being carried out dependent on the eligibility of the role. (England & Wales; DBS check, Scotland; Disclosure Scotland PVG, Northern Ireland; Access NI, Republic of Ireland; Garda Vetting; International, International Child Protection Certificate process).
Diversity at the RNLI
Our staff and volunteers have been saving lives at sea without prejudice for 200 years. We respect and value diversity of background, skills and perspectives within our teams, and consider it essential to help us deliver a world-class lifesaving service. We are an inclusive organisation and welcome applications from everyone. In addition to having the skills needed for the role, we also look for applicants who share our commitment to living our RNLI values (trustworthy, courageous, selfless, and dependable), and helping us work towards Our Vision: To save Every One.