Events Organiser and Assistants - Tenby

Events Organiser and Assistants - Tenby

Volunteer area
Wales and West
Volunteer role type images
Volunteer location
Tenby, Pembrokeshire
Latitude and longitude (Vol locations)
51.6730232238769, -4.69381713867187
Time commitment
Flexible with monthly requirements
Responsible to
Community Manager
Safeguarding level
1: Awareness and understanding of safeguarding policy required upon commencement of role.
Closing Date
Documents (please view all documents)

Amdanom ni

Mae gan yr RNLI rwydwaith o dimau sy’n mynd ati i drefnu trawsdoriad eang o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau codi arian ym mhob ardal. Llynedd, fe gasglwyd £14 miliwn er mwyn cynorthwyo i achub bywydau ar y mȏr.

Cefnogir pob cangen neu gild gan Reolwr Cymdeithasol ond mae amrywiaeth ac amlder y digwyddiadau codi arian yn ddibynnol ar aelodau’r tîm.

Rydym yn chwilio am unigolion brwdfrydig i gynorthwyo gyda gweithgareddau codi arian gan recriwtio am Drefnydd Digwyddiadau Gwirfoddol.

Byddwch yn cael yr effaith ganlynol

Byddwch yn galluogi i griwiau gwirfoddol bad achub yr RNLI barhau i achub bywydau ar y mȏr gan gynnal a chefnogi gweithgareddau codi arian yn eich ardal leol.

Byddwch yn gwneud y canlynol

  • Trefnu amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau o foreuau coffi i noson gwis neu swper cymdeithasol.
  • Cynnig syniadau am ddulliau newydd o godi arian
  • Trefnu a mynychu cyfarfodydd cynllunio.
  • Cydweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr eraill yr RNLI
  • Hyrwyddo gwaith a chynorthwyo i wireddu ethos Un Criw yr RNLI

Dysgwch fwy am ddod yn wirfoddolwr codi arian a digwyddiadau

Bydd arnoch angen y canlynol ar gyfer y rôl hon                   

  • Brwdfrydedd
  • Gallu i arwain eraill
  • Sgiliau cymdeithasu rhyngbersonol effeithiol
  • Sgiliau Technoleg Gwybodaeth effeithiol
  • Gallu i gynllunio, i drefnu a sgiliau gweinyddiol da

Byddwch yn elwa o’r canlynol

  • Ymuno â sefydliad cynhwysol ac amrywiol
  • Cael hwyl, cyfarfod â phobl newydd ac ymuno â thîm brwdfrydig ac uchel ei gymhelliad sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth
  • Dysgu sgiliau a chael profiad i gryfhau eich CV
  • Boddhad a geir trwy roi rhywbeth yn ôl
  • Bydd hyfforddiant yn cael ei ddarparu i gyflawni eich rôl fel gwirfoddolwr a bydd mân dreuliau rhesymol yn cael eu had-dalu

About us 

The RNLI has a network of local fundraising teams organising a wide range of activities and events which last year raised £14 million to save lives at sea. Each branch and guild is supported by a Community Manager, although the range and frequency of fundraising events is determined by the team members themselves.

We are currently looking for motivated people to help with our fundraising initiatives and have an opportunity for a Volunteer Event Organiser.

The impact you will make

You will enable volunteer RNLI lifeboat crews to save lives at sea by carrying out and supporting vital fundraising activity in your local community.

What you will be doing

  • Organising a variety of different activities ranging from coffee mornings to quiz and supper evenings.
  • Suggesting new ideas for fundraising activities.
  • Organising and attending planning meetings.
  • Liaising with other RNLI volunteers.
  • Championing the RNLI and helping to drive our One Crew ethos.

Find out more about becoming a fundraising and events volunteer

What do you need for this role?

  • Enthusiasm
  • The ability to lead others
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • IT Skills
  • Planning, organisation and administration skills

What’s in it for you?

  • Join an inclusive and diverse organisation
  • Have fun, meet new people and join a motivated and enthusiastic team who are making a difference
  • Learn skills and gain experience to enhance your CV
  • Gain the satisfaction of giving back
  • Training to fulfil your volunteer role will be provided and reasonable out of pocket expenses reimbursed


The RNLI is committed to safeguarding; protecting a person’s health, wellbeing, and human rights, enabling them to live free from harm, abuse, and neglect. We expect all employees and volunteers to share this commitment and have a zero-tolerance approach. The suitability of all prospective employees and volunteers will be assessed during the recruitment process in line with this commitment. This will include relevant criminal record checks being carried out dependent on the eligibility of the role. (England & Wales; DBS check, Scotland; Disclosure Scotland PVG, Northern Ireland; Access NI, Republic of Ireland; Garda Vetting; International, International Child Protection Certificate process).

Diversity at the RNLI

Our staff and volunteers have been saving lives at sea without prejudice for 200 years. We respect and value diversity of background, skills and perspectives within our teams, and consider it essential to help us deliver a world-class lifesaving service. We are an inclusive organisation and welcome applications from everyone. In addition to having the skills needed for the role, we also look for applicants who share our commitment to living our RNLI values (trustworthy, courageous, selfless, and dependable), and helping us work towards Our Vision: To save Every One.